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the Soccer Mom Crockpot Experience - Week 1 Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches

So Baby A has started playing fall soccer, which means a practice one evening a week, during CPA Daddy's fall busy season.  So since it's the only night Daddy is home for a real meal, I felt I should attempt to prepare a real meal....mostly.  Enter my first venture into crockpot cooking.

Having never used our crockpot for more than keeping queso warm on football Sundays, I have asked my social network for suggestions, and my family will be voting for the winner at the end of soccer season.  Since I am not a 'professional blogger', I am probably not linking to original posts properly, but needed a spot to share the recipes where my participating friends can find them.  Apologies to the original creators.

Criteria for our selection of Crock Pot Recipe Champion will be:

1. Ability to throw together in 15 minutes or less.

2. Use of Ingredients on hand vs trips to store(s).

3. How good does the house smell during the day.

4. Do we like it? (including my pickiest child, the CPA Daddy)

5. Does it make the 'right' amount of leftovers.

6. Make it again?

So without further blah blah blah...Week One


Week 1 - Buffalo Chicken

I have spent much of the early fall craving Buffalo sauce on EVERYTHING, so even if this sucked, I was planning to just suck up the sauce.  Luckily for us, it didn't suck. It may have been a little too out of the box for the boys, although not too spicy once they finally got it past their lips.  CPA Daddy and I liked it a lot.

For the kids, I served it as a 'salad' (they are weird but will eat about anything if I make it into a salad) - chopped up iceberg lettuce, the chicken, shredded cheddar cheese and ranch dressing.  For the grown-ups, we did lettuce wraps - chicken, blue cheese crumbles and blue cheese dressing.  I think it'd also be great as a sandwich or in a tortilla (but most of our dinners end up in a tortilla, so we wanted something a little different).  Here's the recipe I used:

Six Sisters Stuff Slow Cooker Buffalo Chicken Sandwich recipe

So really, I should have included a picture or something, but to be honest, rarely is crockpot food so pretty that it should be photographed.  And I was racing out the door to soccer practice, splitting half the food  to bring to my neighbor and hoping that my son would kick the ball to the correct goal (first practice), so pictures of food were the last of my thoughts.


1. threw it together in about 3 minutes - 5 out of 5

2.  Ingredients on hand - due to my Buffalo craving, I have about 10 bottles of Franks in the pantry, so we give this an A

3.  Smell - Meh.  Not bad, not good, but that's what you get for doing a recipe with no onions and garlic

4.  I liked it, CPA Daddy liked it.  Kids were too tired for a real vote, so maybe 3 stars

5.  Since we shared with the neighbor, there were no leftovers (other than the few bites I scooped up with some chips when I was cleaning up). 

6.  Would make it again, but I'm kinda over my Buffalo craving, so maybe in a few months.


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