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Showing posts from 2014

on Elf Shaming and other holiday thoughts...

The boys are now 6 1/2 years old (!?) and we are having an absolutely magical year.  Their brains are exploding with knowledge, growth, and sassy-pants back-talk.  Yesterday, I read an article that referred to "pre-tweens", an age that apparently starts at 8 years old.  Are you kidding me?!  Right now, I have these perfect little boys that I want to trap at this age.  In one day, they will act tough and 'big kid' in one breath, and then ask to snuggle and watch Disney Junior in the next. The world is coming alive for them.  For years, at the holidays, family vacations, Sunday Football games, etc, we have forced the fun onto them. But now they are living it.  They understand and remember the traditions.  They have expectations and excitement.  Now, when Larry & I want to watch Football games on Sundays (All. Day. Long.) they want to watch with us. And this year, for months, they've been talking about Christmas.  In fact, Baby B, with his special brain, love

Which of these things is not like the other?

When I was pregnant, I worried that the boys would look so much alike that I wouldn't be able to tell who was who.  We knew they were fraternal, but still...what if all I had to go on was that one had darker hair - and they started out bald?!  Lucky us, they came out looking like brothers, but other than when totally sleep deprived, easy to tell apart. When the boys were tiny (like 3-4 months old), I was part of a local twins club.  Now and then, I'd read about twin moms fighting schools, school districts, their states about whether twins should be allowed to be in the same classroom, or should be automatically separated.  So now, I could worry on that a little.  Should I fight to keep them together?  Encourage their individuality and independence?  At what age?  Then one day, I met an adult who was a twin.  He told me that he and his brother had grown up "not as close as twins usually are" because they were in different grades.  So that became my biggest worry.