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Showing posts from July, 2011

Success! Summer travel w/ 3-year old twins.

After a miserable 2010 travel summer, we were reluctant to try again (see: ) but try we did, with some adjustments as well as a year of maturing the monkeys. I would say it was an unequivocal success.  Dada would likely disagree, but his success threshhold is unrealistic.  What worked: Divide and conquer - we each picked a kid and on the plane, it was as if we were on separate trips.  We each had our own carryons filled with what we needed for that kid.  We were on Southwest, and did Early Bird checkin for the parents, so we boarded A and sat Window/Middle in consecutive rows. Practice - prior to the trip, we did some practice time watching our favorite movies on the ipad and laptop with headphones on.  Baby B doesn't love things on his head, so the practice was helpful so that the headphones weren't new and scary.  We also talked a lot about seatbelts on airplanes and seeing Nonni